Eagles Claw Nature Reserve Plan tells a story
History tells a story, here is an excerpt from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Eagles Claw Nature Reserve Plan of Management published in 1992 which provides context to the importance identified decades ago for Eagles Claw Nature Reserve and its little penguins.
Eagles Claw Nature Reserve covers an area of about 1 ha on a section of rugged coastline in the locality of Lookout Point at Eden on the far south coast of New South Wales. Eden is about 500 km south of Sydney and about 50 km north of the Victorian border. Establishment of the nature reserve was originally recommended by the Far South Coast Environment Group acting on reports from locals expressing interest in the penguin colony and strong concern for its future.
The plan emphasises that protection of the colony of little penguins and their habitat is the primary function of management for the nature reserve. Approximately 24 pairs are thought to breed in the reserve. With heavy predation during any breeding season the colony could potentially be rendered nonviable. Encouraging more breeding will reduce the likelihood of local extinction in the short term. The provision of artificial burrows is recognised in the plan as a major initiative to be undertaken to assist in the continued viability of the penguin colony.
The plan proposes strong action with regard to the protection of penguin habitat, notably with respect to clearing of vegetation on the boundary of the reserve, control of predators and control of visitor use. The plan also recognises the importance of better information on the biology of penguins as a requirement of effective management.
The colony's survival will depend heavily on the cooperation of neighbours and other authorities with the Service's management of the reserve. The plan emphasises the importance of liaison being maintained with the local community and the promotion of support within that community for the protection of little penguins.
This plan establishes the scheme of operations for Eagles Claw Nature Reserve. In accordance with the provisions of Section 75 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974, this plan of management is hereby adopted.
Tim Moore, Minister for the Environment
Read the full report here > Eagles Claw Nature Reserve Plan of Management